Light's blog

Living your life on parents Money


To whomever it applies, It does not matter how well you live, which phone do you use or how you travel if you are doing that all with your parents's money, earn that same amount of money and do it. Think about it you cannot even earn atleast 10k with the skills that are actually related to your education and are actually useful to your future. Why does it matter? It is not something you should be proud of. Yes I'm not against spending your own parents's money but it does not mean you can show it off every day. You have money. Good for you, but keep that with you. but don't tell everybody that i have this i can do this and that . You just become cheaper & cheaper day just by doing that. somebody went by saying, my father got a huge amount of money today we doing x and y. I was like okay. I don't want to hear about it, Why does it matter to me. how much money your father made. Honestly I don't care. don't you feel you are oversharing? It's a common sense that you shouldn't talk about money at your age (especially a fool like you) does not matter how much you have. I want to buy this x under this y price. i mean what is your goal? you want show everybody that you are capable of doing it? money is not a topic that can be talked upfront to people outside your family. even if you are doing please make sure that you are not boasting your wealth. generally every person knows this basic thing. seems you don't. see? money did not gave you common sense. Please stop.